This is a story about a neatly folded stack of clothes.

I recently met with a friend for breakfast and we started talking fashion and personal style. He wore a great soft jersey top with lovely stitching and a beautiful cut. It was a very well made top and the colour was lovely. A soft shade of coral, which made the top look even cosier!
I mentioned that I choose my outfits based on how I feel on the day, so if I am in a particularly happy mood I am sure to wear a rainbow of colours and prints. To this – my friend told me that he lets the clothes shape his mood. See, he has this system of putting his tops in a neatly folded pile and instead of spending hours choosing what to wear – he just picks the garment on top of the pile. And he does this every day. I thought this was genius! This must save him a lot of time and he has a lot of lovely colourful clothes, so he is sure to be in a great mood every day.
Most importantly I think this system is a reflection of his buying habits and his appreciation for beautiful clothes. Buying only things he loves, things he knows will last and will never let him down means that whatever is on top of the pile will be a quality piece to wear. Going with the flow.
It is a great way to be!